Strategic Recruitment Stream (closed)

This stream has been terminated. The Alberta Strategic Recruitment Stream was a collection of immigration streams of the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP), a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) operated by the province of Alberta. The Alberta Strategic Recruitment Stream used to encompass three immigration streams which targeted foreign nationals who held the skills necessary to fill labour shortages in Alberta.

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As of June 14th, 2018, this program was terminated and is no longer accepting new applications. Skilled workers wishing to immigrate to Alberta may pursue a nomination through either the Alberta Opportunity Stream or the Alberta Express Entry Stream of the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP). The Alberta Strategic Recruitment Stream included the following streams. None of these streams are accepting new applications:

Alberta Compulsory and Optional Trades

Alberta Compulsory and Optional Trades has been terminated. Previously, it was a stream of the Alberta Strategic Recruitment Stream targeting foreign tradespeople who had the certification to practice their trade in Alberta and who had recent work experience in the province. This program is no longer accepting new applications.

Alberta Engineering Occupations

Alberta Engineering Occupations has been terminated. Previously, it was a stream of the Alberta Strategic Recruitment Stream which targeted foreign nationals who had experience working in an engineering occupation in the province of Alberta. This program is no longer accepting new applications.

Alberta Post-Graduate Worker

Alberta Post-Graduate Worker has been terminated. Previously, it was a stream of the Alberta Strategic Recruitment Stream which targeted foreign nationals who had recently graduated from a post-secondary institution in Alberta and were working in the province at the time of application. This program is no longer accepting new applications.

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