Arrima DrawQuebec ImmigrationQuebec Regular Skilled Worker

Latest Quebec Arrima Draw: 523 Immigration Invitations Issued

Published on: February 22nd, 2022
Last updated: June 17th, 2024

The Quebec Minister of Immigration, Francization and Integration (MIFI) issued 523 invitations on February 10, 2022.

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Quebec recently released details from their latest Arrima draw, which issued a new round of invitations to eligible candidates under the Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program (RSWP).

Candidates invited in the latest MIFI draw had a profile in Quebec’s Arrima pool, a score of at least 592, and work experience in one of 21 select occupations.

Which occupations were targeted in Quebec’s latest Arrima draw?

In addition to meeting the minimum points requirements, candidates selected in the most recent Arrima draw had experience in one of the following occupations:

NOC codeProfessions
0213Computer and information systems managers
2147Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)
2171Information systems analysts and consultants
2172Database analysts and data administrators
2173Software engineers and designers
2174Computer programmers and interactive media developers
2175Web designers and developers
2241Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians
2281Computer network technicians
2282User support technicians
2283Information systems testing technicians
3012Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
3233Licensed practical nurses
3413Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
4031Secondary school teachers
4032Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
4214Early childhood educators and assistants
5131Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
5223Graphic arts technicians
5241Graphic designers and illustrators
6221Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade

What is Arrima?

Arrima is an online platform that manages the Quebec’s Expression of Interest profiles. The system also allows Quebec companies to connect directly with candidates in the Arrima pool to meet their labour needs.

Arrima manages profiles through the following four Quebec programs:

  1. Regular Skilled Worker Program
  2. Québec Experience Program
  3. Permanent immigration pilot programs
  4. International Student Program (only to transmit documents)

Read more about What is Arrima?

What is the Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program?

Quebec has a special agreement with the federal government that allows the province more autonomy in immigration policies and procedures.

The Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program (RSWP) is an immigration program operated by the province of Quebec. The program is aimed at skilled workers that intend to reside in the province of Quebec.

Quebec Immigration Targets 2022

According to Quebec’s immigration plan, the province could admit up to 70,000 newcomers in 2022. This is the highest immigration level targeted to date. About 65% of admissions this year will likely be economic programs, such as the Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP) and the Quebec Experience Program (QEP).

In 2021, Quebec issued a total of 3,564 invitations to Quebec Skilled Workers (QSW) through the Arrima portal. In 2020, just 628 invitations were issued for the whole year.


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