Ontario Extends 326 Invitations Under Masters Graduate Stream

Published on: August 26th, 2021

Just one week after holding their first Masters Graduate draw, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) has issued another 326 invitations under this stream.

The points requirement has decreased by two from the stream’s previous draw, inviting eligible candidates with a score of at least 37.

OINP had started accepting EOIs through the Masters Graduate stream on August 9th, 2021. Prior to this, the stream had operated on a first-come, first-served basis. Ontario would open and close the stream throughout the year with short notice and stop accepting applications once their applicant quota was met.

Thanks to their new EOI system, candidates who meet the criteria of the Masters Graduate stream can submit a profile at any point throughout the year.

August 25th OINP Masters Graduate stream draw results:

  • Invitations: 326
  • Minimum score: 37

How does the Masters Graduate stream work?

The Masters Graduate stream targets recent graduates with a Masters degree from an eligible Ontario university. At least one full academic year of a Masters program must have been completed in Ontario.

Candidates eligible under the Masters Graduate stream must demonstrate language proficiency at a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 in each area of an eligible French or English language exam.

Interested applicants must have resided in Ontario for at least one year of the past two years and be living in Ontario with legal status at the time of applying.

Applicants who meet the minimum eligibility requirements must submit an Expression of Interest to be ranked on a points-based system. Once a candidate submits an EOI, Ontario will assign the profile a score; subsequently, OINP will hold a draw and invite the highest-ranking profiles to apply for nomination.

Once a candidate receives an invitation to apply for nomination, they have 14 calendar days to submit an application to the province. At this time, an application fee of $1,500 must be remitted. If nominated, the applicant will then be invited to apply for Canadian permanent residence.

Do I need a job offer to apply under the Masters streams?

Candidates applying under the Masters or PhD Graduate streams are not required to have a job offer in Ontario.

However, applicants must demonstrate proof that they have sufficient funds to settle in the province. If one does not need the minimum required funds, a job offer or ongoing employment in Ontario can be considered toward this requirement.

In addition, as applicants must demonstrate their intention to settle permanently in Ontario, a job offer may also help to establish one’s ties to the province.

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