Category: Newcomers to Canada

Newcomers to Canada

Why Hire an Immigration Lawyer

Some of you may be contemplating the need to hire an immigration lawyer to prepare and submit your application. Familiar questions can be, why do […]

Setting Your Immigration Resolutions for 2025

We all make new year’s resolutions every year. Some we keep, some we don’t. However, the ones we do keep are the ones that are […]

Immigrants Enriching Canada’s Future

As a registered immigration law firm, we have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand many inspiring success stories of immigrants who we have helped settle […]

Supporting Communities During the Holidays and Giving Back

The holidays are a time for reflection, spending time with loved ones, and giving back to the community wherever possible.   If you have recently […]

International Students Working Full-Time Over the Holiday Break

Recent changes have been announced allowing international students to work up to 24 hours per week, an increase from the previous 20 hours. However, the […]

How to Succeed in the Canadian Job Market: Newcomers

Starting a new life in Canada can be nerve-wracking but is ultimately a great accomplishment with an exciting journey ahead of you. Many people dream […]

How to Immigrate to Canada from the UK: Exploring Different Pathways

The journey from the UK to Canada can be undertaken through various immigration pathways, each with unique requirements and benefits. Join us as we explore […]

woman checking her visa rejection letter
What to Do If Your Canada Visa Was Rejected

If your Canadian visa was rejected by Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), starting a life in Canada can seem hopeless. However, depending on the […]

Steps to immigrate to Canada
First Steps to Immigrate to Canada: A Beginner’s Guide

Is there a unique successful path to immigrate to Canada? Discover the tailored steps that can lead you to success and find out how to […]

Free assessment

Discover your Canadian immigration options. Get your free assessment now!